Reflections on the Witness Action at Brownsville Airport

By Annique Boomsma

To see up close our brothers and  sisters from Central America being deported to countries they fled makes it impossible to EVER look away. At the airport yesterday where Trail Boss buses drove up with people in chains, 5 point chains we were told, we witnessed the horror of what our government is doing, seeing with our eyes and our heart.

We held up our red paper hearts, waved them at the people in the buses, “Los queremos!”, “No estan solos!”, we sang, we cried, heartbroken. We were close to the buses, sure they could here us. One man, or was he merely a boy, pried open a small window at the back of the bus and said “Muchas Gracias”, only part of his face visible, a young face.
He will be deported, he maybe sent to his death…..
Why do we not remember history? Why do we repeat the evil done in the past in the present?
We must act to stop this.