Report on our Children, Trauma, and Art program with Dr. Simone Alter-Muri

Quick report on the amazing talk we sponsored this past Sunday on the art of children facing severe trauma by our good friend Simone Alter-Muri. She not only brought in images from the art show we have at Michelson Gallery through 2/21—but (like the show itself) brought in the historical context, discussing art that kids did in such situations as the Nazi camp at Terazin, Japanese-Americans interned by our own government in WWII, as well as kids in Darfur and Iraq.

Paul had put out 50 chairs and that wasn’t enough, even with many competing events. It gladdens my heart that people are so interested in ending the terrible wrongs our government is doing to immigrant families.

Big thanks to gallery owners Richard and Jennifer Michelson and gallery manager Paul Gulla. Not only was it a really cool venue, but they have been so supportive!

This was the second of the two send-offs this weekend for our delegation to the border. I am so glad to be joining this strong group of female elders (at 63, I’m the second-youngest and the only male). We leave on Saturday, and following the event, we had our final pre-departure meeting. I’m always impressed with how well we work together, how much we get done in a short meeting, and how much fun it is to hang around with these folks.

Elizabeth Land posted several more photos from the event here.

Published by Shel Horowitz

If there is a byline in the headline, this post was written by another group member and I posted it for that person.